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Korn To Release New Album Soon? Munky And Head Discuss Progress!

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While Korn is on tour to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their self titled debut album released in 1994, fans are clamoring to hear news about their new album.

The followup record to their 2013 album, "The Paradigm Shift" is reportedly actively gearing up.

And in an interview with Pop Break guitarists James "Munky" Shaffer and Brian "Head" Welch openly discussed the progress of their new album.

The two guitarists promised fans of a new album filled with "dirtier and heavier" riffs, but at the same time they assured that the "melodic elements" known from their music will not be compromised.

"Keep the melodic elements of what we captured on the last record but really expand on the heavy riffs and get a bit dirtier," Shaffer revealed. "Maybe a little longer songs with longer intros, and a little more math rock, not prog-rocky but maybe some slower tempoed grooves that are 7/8 or 3/4 timing and stuff like that."

And while many bands have promised to offer something new everytime they release a new album, Munky explained how Korn has taken risk just to fulfill this promise.

"It's about taking chances and going out on a limb," he added. "You hear a lot of bands say how every album is a chance to reinvent yourself. For us, I really feel like we've gone out on a f-ing plank because sometimes there's no turning back. You have to commit to it and sometimes it's like 'Eh, I don't know,' and you kind of let go and see what happens."

In other Korn news, Metal Injection noted how Korn frontman Jonathan Davis was recognized by president Barrack Obama during of his speeches.

"I was asleep and then around six or seven in the morning, my phone starts going off," Davis revealed in a Rolling Stone interview. "I look over and someone had just texted me 'The president just said your name during this Medal of Honor ceremony.' I'm just like 'whatever' and went back to sleep, but [my phone] kept going."

"I couldn't believe it. It's really cool. The President of the United States gave me props for being there for a Medal of Honor recipient. Groberg went through hell."

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