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Dave Chappelle Uses ‘No-Phone Zone’ To Keep People From Filming His Live Comedy Shows

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Stand-up comedian Dave Chappelle has found a way to keep his audience from filming his live shows and stop people from taking his materials to the Web.

Dave Chappelle recently partnered with San Francisco-based startup Yondr to turn his stand-up comedy shows into 'no-phone zones.' Through the use of smartphone-locking pouches, people watching Dave Chappelle shows will be compelled not to use their phones and worse, film the stand-up.

According to BGR, during Dave Chappelle's shows, the audience will be handed by the staff with a Yondr pouch as they enter the venue. The pouch comes in three sizes. Upon entering, the attendees will have to fasten the pouch and it will lock shut. The venue, therefore, becomes a "no-phone zone" because while the pouch is locked shut, the attendees may not be able to use it. If they intend to read a text message or receive a call, they will have to get out of the "no-phone zone," where the pouch will unlock.

All of Dave Chappelle's shows have become so big, with all of his 13 stand-up shows at Pilsen's Thalia Hall having sold out in just minutes after the release of tickets, that the comedian have taken a step higher in protecting his material.

This is not the first time though that a comedian has done this as Hannibal Buress has also signed an agreement with Yondr for his shows in Napa, California. Buress did so after an audience took a video of his show where he had a sequence about Bill Cosby. The video, which was uploaded in the Web, became viral and created negative feedbacks against Buress.

Meanwhile, Chicago Tribune reported that after all his 13 stand-up shows were sold out, Dave Chappelle is adding two more shows for Monday. Thalia Hall, 1807 S. Allport St. announced that the shows will be at 7 P.M. and 10:30 P.M. Monday.

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