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'Kingdom Hearts 3' Release Date Definitely Happening In 2017? Tetsuya Nomura Teases Returning Characters

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Square Enix has two huge titles in its lineup.

"Kingdom Hearts 3" and "Final Fantasy XV," both of which have no release date yet.

And while many are wanting to get a hold of both titles at the same time, fans should reportedly wait two years before "Kingdom Hearts 3" gets to be released.

While the giant gaming studio has yet to say anything about the game's release date, Gospel Herald is positive that it will most likely hit the shelves in 2017, a year later from "Final Fantasy XV's" expected release.

"Many were pointing to 2016 as the year that Kingdom Hearts III would finally be out. The issue with that is there has been less news of 'Kingdom Hearts III' compared to 'Final Fantasy 15,'" the publication explained.

It added, "a recent report from Design and Trend has stated that its release date might not appear until 2017, and possibly late in that year. There is a report on Realty Today that the Amazon listing of the Kingdom Hearts III game for the Xbox One and PS4 is available for pre-order, and it says that it will ship by Dec. 31, 2016."

While fans are started to get anxious, game director Tetsuya Nomura gave exciting new details about the game's characters.

According to Design&Trend, Nomura teased that the upcoming game will feature a returning character.

"I'm sure there are fans who are aware of its identity already," Nomura said of the villain, which appeared in the non-descript trailer.

According to Master Herald, the returning character has already been introduced in the game back in 2002.

"Those characters come from Disney and Square Enix studios and have been the talk of the town over the last ten plus years. If you have not played the game, you can expect to see characters like Sora, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Donald Duck, Goofy and all of the voices that go along with them," the publication claimed.

Furthermore, Kingdom Hearts Insider quoted Nomura's promised that "Kingdom Hearts 3" will come equipt with special features and updates.

"In addition to the Keyblade transformations for Sora, it becomes possible to maneuver using specific forms and actions. There will be many battle choices," he said of the game.

"Take whatever strategy, it will be up to the player. Of course, for those who button mash will have an exhilarating experience but for those who want technical fights will also find fun making combinations."

With the "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8" release date announced, fans are now expecting that "Kingdom Hearts 3" will soon follow.

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