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Donnie McCarthy & Jenny McCarthy Files For Divorce? Mark Wahlberg Relieved To Be Rid Of 'Blabbermouth' Sister-In-Law?

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Donnie Wahlerg and Jenny McCarthy headed for a divorce?

Split rumors involving the couple are currently circulating and while this may seem like bad news, some gossip websites claim Donnie's brother, Mark Wahlberg is particularly pleased.

Back in 2014, Mark Wahlberg missed Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy's wedding - skipping a big celebration for his own daughter's birthday.

And although the "Ted" actor has explained his absence on social media, rumors of his unfavorable feelings towards his sister-in-law never died down.

"Multiple sources say that Donnie's family, including his sister-in-law Rhea Durham, Mark Wahlberg's wife, can't stand Jenny and they're not as close as Jenny makes it seem," Celeb Dirty Laundry reported.

"Mark and Rhea especially hate Jenny she talked about them and her relationship with Mark Wahlberg and the Wahlberg family on The Howard Stern Show," the report said. "During her interview she spoke too soon saying Mark and Rhea would be attending their wedding and approved of their relationship,"

Aside from Jenny McCarthy's alleged "blabbermouth" attitude, some reports claim she is always fighting with Donnie Wahlberg over petty things, reason why they are allegedly considering divorce.

"Jenny and Donnie fight constantly," Hollywood Life reported. "It's nonstop drama. He's had it with her refusal to act like a mature, responsible adult. He always tells her to grow up,"

But Donnie Wahlberg has his flaws, too. According to Celeb Dirty Laundry,

Jenny McCarthy is reportedly tired of his "alpha male act," leading the couple to a divorce lawyer's office to draw up the divorce papers.

"The same things that drew Donnie to Jenny are the things that are driving him nuts now," the website alleged. "Jenny will get a tattoo or dye her hair just because and that really gets Wahlberg upset,"

"She won't let him take being strong father figure," an insider for the gossip website claimed.

Could it really be the end of Donnie Wahlerg and Jenny McCarthy's marriage? How soon will the divorce push through? Whether or not the rumors are true is yet to be addressed by the couple who remains silent about the issue.

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