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‘Gravity Falls’ Finale: Alex Hirsch Reveals A Big Surprise Awaiting ‘Weirdmageddon 3’

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Fans will have to wait longer as the "Gravity Falls" season and series finale dubbed as "Weirdmageddon 3" will not be airing until next year.

In its report, Movie Pilot said that according to a press release from Disney XD, the "Gravity Falls" Season 2 Finale or "Weirdmageddon 3" would air "sometime in early 2016." The report added that the release of "Weirdmageddon 3" may be any time from January to March 2016.

What can fans expect from the "Gravity Falls" series and season 2 finale? While there remains a lot of issues that needs explaining, "Gravity Falls" creator Alex Hirsch, in a recent interview with TV Insider, revealed that an antagonist will be returning in the "Weirdmageddon 3" episode.

"Time Baby is a character who, in the universe of 'Gravity Falls,' has a level of power similar to Bill. The difference being that Bill has always been trapped in a formless space where he can't affect our reality and Time Baby can affect the reality of Time. I will say this, although we've seen Time Baby blasted to little time pieces, he might not be quite as destroyed as you might believe," Alex Hirsch told TV Insider.

Time Baby's return in "Weirdmageddon 3" might just stage a showdown between two of "Gravity Falls" greatest antagonists: Bill Cipher and Time Baby, himself.

In the same interview, Alex Hirsch also said that through the final episode, Dipper will have to learn to rely on himself.

He said, "[Dipper] came into this summer as a kind of naïve, self-serious, sort of socially awkward kid who knew little of the world beyond his interactions with his sister and his home life. And over the course of these two seasons, he has been tested again and again, learned many lessons and those experiences now have to be the journal he has inside of him."

"He needs to rely on himself, and only himself, in 'Weirdmageddon' for the first time and in a way there's a lesson for Dipper to learn there, that he can be his own leader. That he can be the author of his own story," Hirsch added.

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