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Crossover Episode Confirmed? Supergirl Is Going To Meet The Flash In One Condition

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The 2015 version of "The Flash" - "Arrow" crossover episodes are just around the corner and based on the teasers released, it will be bigger than last year's episodes.

The joint episodes of the two CW Network superhero shows will set up the new spinoff series "Legends of Tomorrow" featuring a new batch of superheroes.

Come May or maybe the end part of "The Flash" season 2, there is another DC superhero that might join the fray. It will not be called "The Flash" - "Arrow" crossover episode because this DC heroine has her own show.

Rumors surfaced that Melissa Benoist's "Supergirl" from CBS might crossover to CW's "The Flash." This is not impossible since both shows, as well as "Arrow" and "Legends of Tomorrow" are run by Greg Berlanti.

This means the Girl of Steel meeting the Scarlet Speedster in TV-verse is very possible. However, there is one condition for "Supergirl" TV series.

"Bleeding Cool has been told by a reliable source to expect Supergirl to meet the Flash and the STAR Labs crew from her fellow show by May's sweeps week, if CBS orders the last episodes of Supergirl," Spoiler TV wrote about possible "Supergirl" - "The Flash" crossover episode. "Comissioned for 13 episodes, CBS has an option for a "back nine" to bring the season up to 22."

Ratings performance will be big for "Supergirl" to earn the other nine episodes. Right now, its 7.19 million viewership from last week's episode doesn't look good if compared to its 12.96 million viewers during the pilot.

Executive producer Ali Adler said they are open on having crossover episode with "The Flash" and/or "Arrow". However, they need to do better first in ratings.

"We actually haven't talked too much about it," she said as per Screen Rant. "I mean, the truth is we hope to be as successful as some of the other Berlanti Productions and with that success I bet we'll have more options. Honestly we don't have an answer on that, but are open to anything."

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