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'Arrow' Season 4 Spoiler: David Ramsey Has Theory Who's On (Or Who's Not On) The Grave

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Who is inside that grave that Oliver Queen and Barry Allen visited? This is probably the biggest "Arrow" season 4 spoiler that most fans want answered, or not, defending on who's under it.

The pilot of the CW Network show's run ended with someone dead but without a face and a name. The caption in the scene says it happened six months after the current events.

Even cast members can't spill any "Arrow" season 4 spoilers mainly because they do not know yet. However, they have their own theories.

David Ramsey, who plays John Diggle, has a guess who may or may not be in the grave. First, he does not think it is Diggle who's in the grave because of his background and profession before becoming a vigilante with Team Arrow headed by Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell).

"I would think that Diggle would have more in terms of the military ceremony," he told Entertainment Weekly.

"There would be flags in place. You would think that, but maybe the flag was out of frame, so it could be Diggle."

He also thinks it would be a grave mistake if the body inside the grave is Emily Bett Rickards' Felicity Smoak.

"I just can't see them messing with that relationship," he added. "Also, I don't even know if [Oliver] would be able to talk if it was Felicity. He would just be so broken."

For her part, Rickards thinks it can be her character, or anybody, since the nature of the show suggests no one is safe from the grim reaper.

"As castmates, we're all like, 'Is it you?! Is it you?! Oh, it could be you!" she said in an interview with TV Line back in October. "'No, you know what, it's definitely me. It has to be me! It's has to be you! It has to be me! It's going to be them! It's going to be no one! No one's in the grave!' Like, that conversation happens daily."

So who's in the grave? Watch out for "Arrow" season 4 spoilers or just wait to get to that moment probably next year.

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