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'Arrow' Season 4 Spoiler: Reason Why Roy Harper Will Return Is Not Something Team Will Celebrate

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Recent "Arrow" season 4 spoiler revealed that a former main character will return to the show.

Colton Haynes confirmed his Roy Harper will return. His character left the show by the last few episodes of third season. He disguised as the Arrow and plotted a plan to make Starling City police and the public think he is dead and allow real Emerald Archer Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) to save the city.

So why is Arsenal returning? Does Team Arrow needs him? Turned out, coming out is not something out of his own desire. A new villain rises and he is the target.

The Calculator, a Batman villain who also dealt with other DC superheroes, is coming to the show and will be played by Tom Amandes. His storyline is largely involved with a hiding Roy Harper.

"TVLine has learned exclusively that the alum of such past Greg Berlanti projects as Everwood, Eli Stone and No Ordinary Family has booked an arc on Calculator(one of!) the prolific producer's CW series as DC Comics villain The Calculator," the entertainment website wrote.

"A criminal mastermind and technical genius, The Calculator - aka Noah Kuttler - uses his advanced skills in computer science and internet manipulation to blackmail Roy (Colton Haynes) out of retirement to do his bidding, which leads to an epic battle with Team Arrow."

Is there still a place for Roy Harper in Team Arrow? Remember that he already gave his costume to ex-girlfriend Thea Queen (Willa Holland) before saying goodbye last season.

Stand by for more details regarding the re-appearance of Roy Harper.

"Arrow" is not on TV this week. It will return on Dec. 2 for second part of crossover with "The Flash" titled "Legends of Yesterday."

Read spoiler below.

"PART TWO OF THE EPIC CROSSOVER WITH "THE FLASH" - Oliver and Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) take Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Carter Hall (guest star Falk Henstchel) to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage (guest star Casper Crump) while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm (John Barrowman) arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn't go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Thea, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage."

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