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'Sons Of Anarchy' Spinoff Series Update: Mayans-Centric Prequel Coming Sooner Than Expected?

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Talks of the "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff series were halted after its creator Kurt Sutter started working on another show titled "The Bastard Executioner."

This show has already been canceled and silver lining fans sees in it is Sutter possibly resuming works on the prequel of SOA.

"The Bastard Executioner", which starred Lee Jones and run only for 10 episodes, was reportedly canceled due to its poor ratings performance. Sutter immediately turned to Instagram to show his gratitude to fans who supported his show's short run.

He also accepts the fact that his show is not being watched a by a good number of television viewers.

"I don't want to write something that nobody's f-ing watching," he told The Hollywood Reporter. "There's a glut of period pieces on right now, and I'm sure timing has something to do it."

There are no words yet from FX Network whether production of "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff series will start soon but words from directors and cast in recent interviews suggest the company is high about Mayan-centric prequel.

"The network is very hot on the Mayans project, and I won't run that show," Sutter told Deadline. "For me, this is about finding the right writer and the next thing I will be doing is sitting down and interviewing to find a Latino writer, someone who understands the world and the culture. I don't want to just throw some white guy at it."

Lead cast Charlie Hunnam is not sure whether he will be in "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff series.

"I'm not sure when it would happen though, he's [Kurt Sutter] got another TV show he's working on," he said as per Realty Today. "I don't know if he needs me as a lead actor on that too."

News of a "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff series first came out in August of this year and THR reported it will be different from the original in terms of "tone, pace, storytelling will be unique."

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