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‘Gravity Falls’ Theory Suggests Mabel Is Powering ‘Weirdmageddon;’ Will She Die?

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The multi-episode arc "Weirdmageddon" of "Gravity Falls" has just begun, promising fans stranger, weirder things that might extend up to the last episode of Season 2.

"This [Weirdmageddon] is one giant, epic, multi-part story," "Gravity Falls" creator Alex Hirsch said. "The stakes are going to be higher, the situations are going to be stranger, the magic is going to be bigger, and we will see every character again in some fashion having to deal with this completely unusual situation. You've never seen anything like this before."

Episode 18 of the "Gravity Falls" Season 2 entitled "Weirdmageddon" has seen Mabel trapped in a prison bubble and it is believed that Bill Cipher was responsible for putting Mabel in.

Movie Pilot, on the other hand, had added some more interesting theories about "Weirdmageddon."

One of which is that Mabel, through the use of her imagination, is powering "Weirdmageddon." And that she is the key to Bill's plans.

Some of the clues proving Mabel's involvement in "Weirdmageddon" include the fact that Bill put chains around Mabel's prison bubble to keep her in; the pink glow seems to be coming from Mabel and not from the prison bubble; lastly Bill started to call Mabel by her first name, and not Shooting Star, the title he gave her, which may suggest that Bill sees Mabel as a threat.

The report also highlighted the "cataclysmic consequences" if Mabel manages to escape from the prison bubble. If she does escape, Bill Cipher may lose his power and the entire universe may collapse. Alex Hirsch recently posted on Twitter, revealing that a major character will be seeing its end in Season 2 of "Gravity Falls," would it be Bill Cipher?

According to Movie News Guide, the major character Hirsch may be referring is Grunkle Stan who once said, "Kids, if I die make sure I get a bigger tombstone than Ford's."

And since it has been awhile since Grunkle Stan has not been seen in the series, Hirsch cleared up, "As was revealed in the first episode of the season, 'Scary-oke,' Grunkle Stan is aware of magic, mystery, chaos, and weirdness and doesn't exactly care for it."

"So when the apocalypse happens, to Grunkle Stan it's less of a reality bending shock and more of a frustrating hassle, which comes with it, concerns about the characters he cares about. I cannot say when, where, or how we'll see Stan again," he added.

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