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Refunds Offered For 'Batman: Arkham Knight' PC Version; WB Games To Keep Working On Issues

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After a relaunch failed to fix it for many gamers, Warner Bros. has finally given in and started offering refunds to those who purchased the PC version of "Batman: Arkham Knight."

"We are very sorry that many of our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of 'Baman: Arkham Knight,'" Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment said in the game's Steam page last week.

"We worked hard to get the game to live up to the standard you deserve but understand that many of you are still experiencing issues."

Reportedly, those who purchased "Arkham Knight" have until the end of the year to get full refunds for the game. WB extended its offer to those who bought the Season Pass with the main game, but not separately.

The refund is unconditional and will be available to owners "regardless of how long [they] have played the product."

"That's more lenient than Steam's official refund policy, which won't accept refunds if you've played a game for more than two hours," Motherboard pointed out.

But Steam isn't the only one honoring "Batman: Arkham Knight" refunds. Green Man Gaming announced in its Facebook page it will honor the refund as well.

Kotaku's Mike Fahey urged gamers to take the refund even if the game runs fine on their system.

"This situation should not have occurred," he said. "PC versions of popular games should not be pawned off on development partners and released when they seem good enough."

While Fahey conceded that PC gamers use different hardware, he said "meeting recommended PC specs for a game should at the very least grant playes an experence equal to its console counterpart."

WB also said it will continue working on fixing "Arkham Knight."

"For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues that we cannot fix."

Last month, Franchise Herald reported that many who bought the "Batman: Arkham Knight" PC version called for compensation from WB.

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