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'Arrow' Season 4 Spoiler: Who's In The Grave? Flash-forward Teases Another Major Event

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The latest "Arrow" season 4 episode saw one major character brought back to life.

Sarah Lance (Caity Lotz) got back her soul with the help of supernatural detective John Constantine (guest star Matt Ryan). One character returns but another will leave. (Arrow season 4 spoiler ahead).

The first episode of the fourth season ended with Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) mourning someone's death. The show did not name that person that is already six feet under.

When asked for "Arrow" season 4 spoiler regarding that big event, executive producer Wendy Mericle refused to give away anything. However, she teased there are flash-forwards which will allow fans to know how the characters moved on from the loss.

"'There might be' additional flash-forwards 'here and there... right around midseason,' that certainly will add to the 'Who dies?' mystery," TV Line's Matt Mitovich wrote when a fan asked for "Arrow" season 4 spoiler, following it up with a quote from Mericle.

"We're definitely toying with that," Mericle said, "and when and if we do decide to do that, it will reveal even more pertinent information about not who's going to be in the grave but certainly where our characters are when that [death] happens."

Meanwhile, the next episode will deal with the return of a familiar face. Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) who is obviously still alive since he is part of upcoming show "Legends of Tomorrow", asks for rescue from Felicity and Oliver.

While the couple are willing to help, Mericle said the mission will also put their relationship to test.

"It's the first episode we've done where we really explore fully the first challenge to Oliver and Felicity's new relationship since returning to Star City," she told Entertainment Weekly. "It takes us to some very surprising places. Ray is definitely part of that, but not in the way you would think."

Show returns next week for episode called "Lost Souls."

Read "Arrow" season 4 episode guide below.

"Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is frantic when she learns that Ray (guest star Brandon Routh) is alive and being held by Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). Felicity's guilt over not finding Ray sooner causes tension between her and Oliver. Meanwhile, Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) joins Laurel (Katie Cassidy), Thea (Willa Holland) and the team on a rescue mission for Ray. However, the effects of the Lazarus Pit take over and threaten to jeopardize the entire operation. Donna Smoak (guest star Charlotte Ross) returns to Star City."

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