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'Arrow' Season 4 Episode Guide: People Won't Like Constantine Instantly, Says Matt Ryan

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Matt Ryan's John Constantine is coming to Starling City according latest "Arrow" season 4 episode guide.

The supernatural detective of the now-cancelled NBC TV series will join Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen in the CW Network show in the episode titled "Haunted."

Constantine and his battles with ghosts and demons were well-received by the fans of the DC character, making it a cult hit. While Constantine's humor and expertise and mystical events delights fans, his arrival in Starling City will not be a total hit.

Matt Ryan said Oliver's teammates will be thrown off by him.

"There are certain things he's doing, like picking up a sword and fighting with it, that are slightly different," Ryan told Variety.

"And there was a period of adjustment as well, when I first put on the trench-coat again. The first take I thought, 'What am I doing?' But after a while it was like, 'Ah, there he is. There's the posture. There's the physicality of him.' What's great about that episode is that John comes into this 'Arrow' world, and everyone doesn't believe, or doesn't know about, these occult worlds beyond ours, and John's just like, 'Look, this is the way sh- is.' And he's an arrogant bastard as well, so everyone's a bit thrown off by him."

The British actor also talked about how wearing Constantine's trademark coat for "Arrow" made him sad and remember about his now defunct show which developer David S. Goyer said was at the wrong network.

"It's crazy. They've been some of the most amazing fans," he explained.

"Even now they're hashtagging #BringBackConstantine. It's a shame we weren't able to find a home for the show. Those cult fans, they're hardcore, you know. I love them. They're so loyal. Just putting the trenchcoast on for "Arrow," it did kind of sadden me a little bit. There are 300 issues of that comic book, and there are so many great stories to tell. We were just getting started, man."

Ryan's episode will air on November 4.

Read "Arrow" season 4 episode guide below.

"When things take a turn for the worse with Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Oliver (Stephen Amell) calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine (guest star Matt Ryan)."

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