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'The Flash' Season 2 Episode Guide: EP Teases 'Doctor Who'—Esque Week 5 And More Exciting Things

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Latest "The Flash" season 2 episode guide features the arrival of another Earth 2 hero called Dr. Light.

This new meta human is just one of many creatures from the Earth 2 which Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and his friends opened when particle accelerator exploded back in the first season's finale. So far, Earth-1 already saw Jay Garrick, Sandman, Atom Smasher, and King Shark.

Read "The Flash" season 2 episode guide below.

"The Darkness and The Light"

"Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay (guest star Teddy Sears) tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty (Shantel VanSanten) go out on a date."

The synopsis did not mention anything about the Earth-2 version of Harrison Wells who was the biggest shocker in the latest episode called "The Fury of Firestorm."

Fans might need to have a little patience because what happened in the last few minutes of this week's episode will not be instantly addressed in episode five. However, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg promised a fun night. He hinted there might have elements similar to UK series "Doctor Who" which is also a time traveling show.

"The next episode opens in a slightly surprising way," he told Variety.

"I'm a fan of 'Doctor Who.' I think one of the things that Steven Moffat always does so brilliantly is that when he has cliffhangers and two-parters, they don't just pick up exactly where they left off. You come in with an expectation and 'oh wait, now I'm not quite where I thought I was going to be.' Obviously, this scene will play out. but how it unfolds in 5, I think the beginning of 5 is really exciting. You're going to get a lot of answers to questions you have."

Are you excited for next week's "The Flash" season 2 episode? Sound off in comments below.

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