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Gus Kenworthy Responds To Twitter User’s Gay Relationship Inquiry; Supported By Followers

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A random user on Twitter posed a question, regarded by many as "idiotic" and "dreadful," for Gus Kenworthy following the Olympian's coming out and how Kenworthy handled the inquiry solicited several praises.

"Are you the woman or the woman in the relationship? That's all I need to know right now," the user tweeted Kenworthy.

The professional freeskier then replied with a well-worded tweet: "In a relationship I am the man. As is the other man. I'm gay. Not trying to emulate a heterosexual relationship."

Kenworthy's reply gathered almost 3,500 retweets and almost 6,500 favorites. "Perfect response," a user told Kenworthy with a heart emoji.

"It's a sad, but true, fact that loving openly now will often lead to ignorance like this. Way to respond intelligently, man," another Twitter user commented.

"I am gay," Gus Kenworthy posted in Twitter on Oct. 22, the simplest way to come out and reveal his sexuality. He tweeted the statement with his cover page in the newest issue of ESPN Magazine.

Since coming out, Kenworthy has gained support from celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Ellen Degeneres, Jason Collins and Chloe Grace Moretz.

"You're constantly lying and constantly feeling like you're being deceitful," Kenworthy told ESPN in an interview. "I'm just at that point where I'm ready to open up and let everyone see me for me and I hope everyone accepts it."

In an interview with USA Today, Kenworthy shared that he feels great after coming out, saying through the phone, "I feel just amazing to have it out there. It feels like a huge weight's been taken off my shoulders. I've been completely floored by the response that I've gotten, everyone's been so supportive and so kind with what they've said."

One of the responses Kenworthy received was from the snowboarding slopestyle Olympic champion Sage Kotsenburg who posted on Twitter: "Gus you are the man! So proud of you for this I know it couldn't have been easy but we're all supporting you #GoGus"

During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Kotsenburg won gold while Kenworthy nabbed the silver medal.

"More so than that change or that shift, I guess the biggest thing that I wanted was to try to just show people that this is not something that should be hidden," Kenworthy said further in the interview with USA Today.

"I had such a hard time as a kid and I think if there had been someone like me when I was a kid to look up to, someone who had come out in this sport, it would have saved me a lot of heartache and I would have come to terms at a much younger age," he said.

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