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'The Flash' Season 2 Episode Guide: Look Out! New Harrison Wells Is Worse Than Eobard Thawne

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"The Flash" season 2 episode guide for next week talks about a new STAR Labs member. There will be a new Firestorm and he is portrayed by Franz Drameh who will also appear in "Legends of Tomorrow."

Although they will find a new friend in the next episode, STAR Labs team should be aware that a former friend and foe, or at least a doppelganger, is lurking from the wormhole.

Harrison Wells' counterpart from Earth 2 appeared again in the laboratory in the latest "The Flash" season 2 episode titled "Family of Rogues." The Earth-One version of him who is originally Eobard Thawne from the future has been erased from existence in last season's finale. Little did Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and his friends know that there is another version of him. They better take major precautions because Wells' Earth-2 version is worse than the one they knew.

"Barry is wanting to trust him...and in a way is quicker to trust him than he was to trust Jay [Garrick]," Gustin told TV Line. "He's less of a bad guy and more of a douchebag."

Tom Cavanagh, who plays Wells, also dished major spoiler regarding his character.

"It just seemed to me to be a massive opportunity to turn the tables," Cavanagh explained as reported by Entertainment Tonight. "With Eobard as Harrison last year, there was a certain intelligence and charm and a mannered way to him -- a thoughtfulness. I think the expectation [was] that this same person coming From Earth-Two would be like that and my thought was, 'Why?'"

Although Harrison Wells Earth-One has different background compared to his Earth-2 counterpart, Cavanagh said they have the same level of commitment to what they do.

"If he's a much more brusque, and arrogant, and generates conflict, than I think all the better for the show, and all the better for me to play," Cavanagh added. "Everything that Eobard did was justified. He had a plan and he completely believed in his plan, and the character that I'm playing his year is similarly committed."

"The Flash" season 2 episode 5 titled "The Fury of Firestorm" will air on October 27.

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