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‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Season Pass Content Revealed! ‘Catwoman’s Revenge’ DLC Delayed To Nov.

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No more waiting around on what comes next for "Batman: Arkham Knight." Rocksteady has revealed the game's Season Pass content in full.

Per the announcement posted on the WB Games forum, the biggest DLC to watch out for is "Season of Infamy: Most Wanted Expansion" coming this Dec.

According to Tech Times, the DLC adds four new Most Wanted missions against Batman supervillains "conspicuously missing from 'Arkham Knight,'" each one the same length as the ones in the game.

"Beneath the Surface," "In From the Cold," "Wonderland" and "Shadow War" will feature Killer Croc, Mister Freeze, Mad Hatter and Ra's Al Ghul, respectively.

On Nov, two more episodes set after the events of "Arkham Knight" are also due for the release. In "A Flip of a Coin," Robin deals with Batman's disappearance while on the hunt for Two-Face.

Unfortunately, the other one is "Catwoman's Revenge" which Franchise Herald previously reported will come out this month. Per the "Batman: Arkham Knight" Season Pass content, the DLC's release has been moved to next month.

Rocksteady described both Nov. DLCs as "short, narrative vignettes" although they will serve as spoilers for anyone who hasn't beaten the game, according to PlayStation Lifestyle.

The season pass also revealed more AR Challenges, character and vehicle skins and Batmobile tracks in store. Skins inspired by the upcoming "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" film will also reportedly be available for download next month.

Another noteworthy addition to "Arkham Knight" content is a Batman skin from 2008's "The Dark Knight." Players will finally be able to drive the Batmobile from 2009's "Batman: Arkham Asylum" video game, according to Tech Times.

For the full list of the Season Pass content, click here.

Developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, "Batman: Arkham Knight" is available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One. The PC version will reportedly go on sale again at the end of October.

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