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‘Limitless’ Season 1 Episode 3: Is Bradley Cooper The Villain? Analeigh Tipton Cameo!

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Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) saved Brian Finch (Jake McDorman) from the side-effects of NZT in the premiere but is he really a savior?

Did he finally show his hand in "Limitless" season 1 episode 3?

Even though Brian's enjoying the absence of the drug's crippling side-effects thanks to Eddie's mysterious shot, Brian is still wondering about Eddie's intentions for saving him and planting him in the FBI. He received no word from the senatorial candidate ever since he started "working" for the bureau as a consultant.

However, just when good things finally started happening in his life, Eddie finally showed his hand, and it didn't seem like a very friendly move either.

Brian already has his father's health to worry about, especially with his personal nurse being one of Eddie's people. However, things get even more complicated when he reconnects with Shauna, "the girl that got away" (played by McDorman's co-star in the short-lived ABC romantic comedy "Manhattan Love Story," Analeigh Tipton).

Just when he decided to rekindle his romance with Shauna, a mysterious Mr. Sands - who's working for Eddie Morra - appeared to remind him that his life isn't his to control anymore. He is eventually forced to break things off with Shauna.

Could Tipton be coming back in future episodes to continue being Brian's love interest? Her presence in the episode seems to be a continuation of Dana and Peter's romance from "Mahattan Love Story."

According to Vulture's review, cracks were already starting to show in "Limitless" season 1 episode 3, with Brian portrayed as being too smart over everyone else "including the audience."

"Multiple times this episode, he reached conclusions using knowledge that nobody knew he had, and that lends an off-putting deus ex machina feel to some of the proceedings," the review continued.

Nevertheless, the fact that the series doesn't take itself too seriously reportedly still makes it "charming."

On the other hand, Eddie's apparent villainy in "Limitless" season 1 episode 3 is an interesting twist to how his character was portrayed in the film of the same name. The fact that a central antagonist hasn't been introduced yet also seems to make the man as the biggest threat in Brian's life so far.

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