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'The Last Man On Earth' Season 2 Episode 2 Postmortem: Forte Talks Funny, Shocking Twist; Is He Dead?

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"The Last Man on Earth" season 2 episode two titled "The Boo" finally saw Phil (Will Forte) and Carol (Kirsten Schaal) back in each other's arms after getting separated in the pilot. This is not the highlight of the episode though.

The second week of the Fox TV series pulled off a big card by introducing a new character, played by a big time actor, take note.

"The Last Man on Earth" season 2 episode two unveiled Will Ferrel as a guest star but just when excitement is peaking regarding his exposure as Gordon, the feeling turned into shock because his character suffered a heart attack when surprised by Carol out of nowhere.

Will Forte said pulling this kind of twist has been the plan since the first season and Ferrell is the first choice.

"Well, he's just one of the most awesome people in the world," Forte told Entertainment Weekly.

"First of all, he's perhaps the funniest person on the planet. Second of all, he is open to doing weird little things like this, so we thought we would take a shot and see if he would have any interest. And luckily for us he did."

The revelation in "The Last Man on Earth" season 2 episode two was well-received but the question is, will people see more of Ferrell in the show?

"I would say things are not looking good for him. [Laughs] But who knows?" Forte said.

"Hail Mary passes sometimes get caught for a touchdown at the end of games ... But most of the time they get dropped. Nobody remembers those drops, but they far outweigh the catches."

For more scoop on the episode, read EW interview here.

"The Last Man on Earth" season 2 episode 3 is called "Dead Man Walking." Read synopsis below.

"Carol takes a page out of Phil's book when she tells a lie from which it is difficult for her to recover in the all-new "Dead Man Walking" episode of THE LAST MAN ON EARTH airing Sunday, Oct. 11 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (LME-203) (TV-14 D, L)"

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