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Man Injected With HIV as Baby Living Strong 20 Years Later (VIDEO)

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A man injected with HIV as a baby is doing well over 20 years later according to Fox 2 Now.

In 1992, Brryan Jackson was attacked by his father, a hospital technician, who injected his young son with HIV-tainted blood in an attempt to kill him and avoid paying child support Fox 2 Now reported. Jackson was then told he had five months to live.

"Anyone in my condition would die in three months they gave me five," Jackson said.

Jackson has had a rough journey to recovery since getting AIDS at age 5 because one of his medications caused him to lose 70 percent of hearing.

Despite his troubles, Jackson has been able to keep a positive attitude because of his christian faith. This has helped him forgive his father who could be released from prison in a few years for his actions toward his son.

"I think there is salvation for everyone, and I find myself praying for my father's salvation," Brryan Jackson told Fox 2 Now. . "I had three knives in front of me but I realized there is hope, and it's not about what you have it's what you can give."

In 2013, Jackson is leading a normal life at age 22, is in college, and is focusing on a career in church ministry or politics. He has also considered the healthcare industry Fox 2 Now reported.

Jackson has also used his diagnosis to teach others about his situation especially children. Nickolodeon also honored Jackson with their prestigious halo award December 11, 2009.

Jackson has a virus that the body's immune system cannot get rid as it can with the flu or common cold the United States Department of Health and Human Services said on its AIDS website.

The virus weakens the immune system and destroys cells which protect the body from disease and infection. It also stays in the body's cells for long periods of time before it attacks the immune system.

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