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'Homeland' Season 5 Spoilers: CIA Vs Carrie's And Her New Job In Berlin?

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A lot of "Homeland" season 5 spoilers talked about how the setting shifts from Middle East to Europe, in Berlin to be particular.

The bigger question is why is Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) there? Has she lost his job in CIA. With "Homeland" season 5 release date coming in a day, executive producer Lesli Linka Glatter teased Claire is no longer with the Central Intelligence Agency. Instead, she is working for a charity.

"She is working for a foundation called the Düring Foundation, which is loosely, but very loosely, based on a very wealthy philanthropist, humanitarian foundation that does everything from humanitarian issues to investigative journalism, really trying to make a difference in the world," she told

"Otto Düring (played in the show by Sebastian Koch) is the kind of man who comes from a very wealthy family and is trying to do something positive with this family fortune."

Not only she is working far from the American agency, she is also working for a firm that CIA disapproves of.

"This would be a foundation that would be doing many things that the CIA would not approve of, certainly in terms of exposing material," Glatter continued.

"If you believe in transparency, the CIA is about secrets, and deals in secrets. They have the strictest privacy laws here [Berlin], so it's the perfect place for us to be based in this Internet hacker generation, the information age. We're in the heart of it. Carrie has, in a certain way, not gone to the other side, but she's made different choices right now."

Earlier "Homeland" season 5 spoiler revealed the show will pick up two years since Carrie's tenure in Islamabad. She works in Berlin away from her former mentor Saul who she grew apart with.

Even colleague and friend Peter Quinn is mad at her when "Homeland" season 5 release date arrives. Good thing for her is she finds comfortable loving hands in Alexander Fehling's Jonas Happich.

"Homeland" season 5 release date is Oct. 4.

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