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Snapchat Emojis Meaning: Gold Star, Baby Next To Friend Name? Find Out What They’re Telling You

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You may have opened Snapchat recently and found new emojis. Just as before, they just appeared with little to no meaning attached to them. Stop being confused and find out what they mean.

The gold star emoji is just one of the latest additions to Snapchat emojis and have cause a lot of confusion among users. Thankfully, the Get Emoji blog was kind enough to clear things up.

"When you look at your friend list, and one of those friends has a gold star - it has nothing to do with you. All it shows is that one (or more) of their friends replayed snaps of theirs in the past 24 hours."

The blog added that the emoji doesn't tell users how many times they're replaying snaps.

As Franchise Herald previously reported, the latest Snapchat update brought the option for users to purchase three Replays for $0.99. This is in addition to the free Replay you get every day. The update also brought the rainbow puking filter which has been pushed out of queue leaving many disappointed.

But what about the baby emoji beside your friend's name? That's easy enough to decode. Emojipedia said that having the said emoji beside your friend's name means he or she is a new friend.

The gold star and baby emojis aren't the only ones the update brought though. Other Snapchat emojis meaning point out how you interact with your friends.

For instance, the yellow, red and pink hearts say which one is your #1 best friend and for how long you've been best friends with each other.

The grimacing, smirking, smiling and face with sunglasses tell you which ones are your Snapchat best friends and how often you send or receive snaps from them.

Finally, fire and hundred essentially tell you that you're on a snapping streak with a particular friend.

For the specific Snapchat emojis meaning, refer to Emojipedia here.

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