New mom Shelley Cawley is a firm believer of miracles now.
Cawley, who was 23 at the time of her daughter Rylan’s birth, went into a coma after going under an emergency C-section, according to People.
“I clearly remember laying on the stretcher to take me back to the operating room and I was crying. I was telling the doctors that I was scared that I wasn't going to wake up from my surgery. Which is kind of eerie to look back on because I was right,” explained Cawley, according to the news outlet WCNC.
Cawley’s husband, Jeremy Cawley, was reportedly unable to go in with his wife during the surgery. The new mother was reportedly in a coma for a week.
"She had a lot of fluid in her lungs, they were having trouble getting oxygen to her brain, they were having trouble with her blood pressure up." Jeremy said.
“And it just seemed as if she was done fighting."
One of Cawley’s nurses, Ashley Manus, had the idea for little Rylan to have some contact with her mother.
“We knew skin to skin contact is very beneficial to an infant, so we thought, why not try it for a mom,” stated Manus, according to Buzzfeed.
“Because the baby [was] already thriving; she was doing great.”
It took a while for Jeremy and the medical staff to make Rylan cry, but once it happened, so did a miracle.
North Carolina mom brought back to life from coma after hearing newborn baby's cries
— People magazine (@people) September 13, 2015
“They said they saw a spike in my vitals when she did cry,” Crawley told Fox 46.
“They think that me hearing her subconsciously gave my body and my subconscious a reason to fight. That I still needed to be there for my baby.”
The connection between the mother and daughter was instant.
“I remember staring at Rylan’s face and thinking she is the most beautiful baby in the world,” stated Rylan.
“I know every mom feels that way but I felt like we had a special connection because of everything that had happened.”