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Gretchen Carlson Leaving Fox, Elisabeth Hasselbeck Leaving 'The View' Joining Fox

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TV personality Gretchen Carlson will be leaving Fox & Friends this fall and Elisabeth Hasselbeck will be leaving The View.

Gretchen Carlson has been a staple favorite for the last seven years yet little is necessarily understood why Carlson has decided to actually leave in the first place. Hasselbeck will take a seat next to Steve Dooocy and Brian Kilmeade on Fox & Friends.

The news broke last night but Carlson made it official this morning on the Fox show.

According to The Inquisitr today, Carlson will stay with the Fox family, having her own show on the Fox network on weekday afternoons.

Carlson said: "I'm going to move forward in my career ... moving on to the afternoons here at Fox and hosting my own show coming up in September."

Hasselbeck also said goodbye to her friends over at The View this morning. Interestingly Hasselback had often been the lone conservative voice on The View and had been rumored to be leaving for some time now.

Hasselbeck said in a press release: "I have been a longtime fan of Fox & Friends and am excited to be joining their team in September. It is an honor to call the Fox News Channel my new television home."

Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes said that Hasselbeck's "warm and engaging personality made her a star" and an "excellent conversationalist." She replaces Gretchen Carlson, who will be given her own daytime show on Fox, Ailes said.

"When Elisabeth survived 'Survivor,' we wanted to make sure she would stay afloat," Walters said. "We have had 10 wonderful years with her and she will now be swimming in new waters. We will miss her and wish her everything good."

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