Food manufacturer Findus Sweden said on Friday it had recalled thousands of packets of frozen "beef lasagne" after tests showed they contained horsemeat.
Findus in Britain began a recall of its beef lasagne from retailers earlier in the week on advice from its supplier, Comigel.
Findus in Sweden had purchased frozen lasagnes from a Comigel factory in Luxembourg.
"The results from an analysis of the lasagne which we bought has come back positive for horsemeat," Henrik Nyberg, a director at Findus Sweden, told Reuters.
"Our lab has shown that the lasagne may contain between 60 to 100 percent horsemeat," he said.
Findus Sweden said it had recalled some 20,000 packages of its single-portion frozen lasagnes.
Investigations into suppliers have been launched in recent weeks after revelations that beef products sold at major British supermarkets including Tesco and fast-food chain Burger King contained horsemeat.