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Betty White Turns 91, Asks Fans to Donate Money to Animal Foundation

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Betty White, the beloved actress from the "Golden Girls," turns 91 today.

White said she hopes that those who appreciate her work will agree to lend her a helping hand in raising money for the Morris Animal Foundation, whose "business" agenda revolves around providing dogs, cats, horses and several other animals with state-of-the-art medical care.

Betty White says that her managing to raise a total of $10,000 (€7,523) for this green-oriented group would be the best birthday gift she could ever hope for.

"I've worked with Morris Animal Foundation for more than 40 years now, and I'm so proud of all they've done to advance veterinary medicine for animals worldwide," the actress wrote in her letter to her fans.

The celebrated actress and passionate animal-rights activist is embracing her eighth decade in the business, with a résumé that's overflowing with game shows, talk shows, sitcoms, animated series, hosting duties and one particularly foulmouthed film performance.

She currently hosts the NBC reality show "Betty White's Off Their Rockers," which features senior citizens playing practical jokes on their younger counterparts.

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