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‘Teen Wolf’ Season 5 Episode 8 Official Synopsis, Details Released By MTV! [WATCH HERE]

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The jaw-dropping events on the recently concluded seventh episode of "Teen Wolf" Season 5 made fans anxious of what's about to happen next. MTV has recently released the official synopsis of the next episode.

"Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode 7 saw the Dread Doctors complicating Scott's plan in his attempt to protect their latest victim, the International Business Times reported.

Continuing from last week's episode, tonight's show had Theo saying that he has seen the dead body that belongs to Donovan. He said he hid this because he saw cops approaching the school and that he did not want any information to reach Scott if Stiles would not say anything.

Hayden listened to Liam as he brought out something about supernatural creatures but she did not want to believe him. She later found herself in trouble when the Dread Doctors came and locked her in the car.

Liam then was able to track her and take her out from the car. But the two were captured.

As seen on the preview video, another significant turn of events during the last episode of "Teen Wolf" Season 5 was Kira discovering her inner fox.

The relationship between the pack also started to go wrong as Stiles is expected to deal with Theo knowing he killed Donovan.

As reported by the International Business Times, MTV released a summary for "Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode 8.

"Scott and Malia set out to rescue their captured friends. Deaton makes a horrific discovery about the Dread Doctors," the summary said, as reported.

The report also interpreted the summary and said that the pack will only have a short while to rescue their friends. If Hayden and Liam will be left captured for so long, they will have to face more odds.

"Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode 8, which is named "Ouroboros," might also be the avenue for viewers to get more details about the mysterious Dread Doctors. According to the summary, Deaton will discover something about them and their intentions.

"Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode 8 is airing next week on MTV. Watch the promo video below.

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