Reality star Nadya Suleman, who is more commonly referred to as 'Octomom,' is back on welfare, according to a report from TMZ, after her pornographic jobs failed to make ends meet.
The Octomom famously stopped receiving welfare five months ago as she started picking up jobs which included celebrity boxing games and masturbation porn.
The mother of 14 will receive $1,800 per month for food and $1,000 per month for emergency cash, according to the report. The entire family will also receive Medi-Cal benefits along with mental health and dental payments.
Suleman entered herself into rehab last October at the Chapman Treatment Center for "anxiety, exhaustion and stress."
"She was prescribed Xanax for her anxiety attacks. She was not addicted to it. She has an overabundance of stress and exhaustion and wanted to deal with it without prescription drugs," her manager, Gina Rodriguez, told the Daily News at the time.
Suleman has tried relentlessly to secure a reality TV series gig but television networks have turned her down.
Octomom says that she plans to only use the government assistance to help her get back on her feet, so she can be self-supportive.