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Kim Kardashian Admits Pregnancy Isn't so Easy [VIDEO]

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After announcing that his girlfriend Kim Kardashian is pregnant with their first child during a concert in Atlantic City last weekend, Kanye West joined his lady in Vegas to ring in the New Year.

"I wouldn't say that it's been easy," Kim told ET Online at the New Year's Eve event at 1OAK Nightclub at The Mirage in Las Vegas on Monday night.

"When people say pregnancy is fun and they love it I would have to disagree. I think from this stage on it does become easier, but it's adjusting" she added.

Kim Kardashian said she managed to get through her first 12 weeks without any nausea or vomiting, so she's hopeful things will get even better.

"I think from this stage on it does become easier and funner. I heard it's all worth it, so I'm looking forward to that, and I'm excited."

In a separate interview with Us magazine, she revealed she wants to learn her baby's gender before giving birth.

"Of course I want to know. I can't find out yet, but I do want to know," she revealed at the Sin City shindig.

"It's definitely an adjustment learning about your body and stuff like that," she told Us.

As for what she's looking forward to in 2013 -- aside from welcoming her bundle of joy -- Kim says she's eager to spend time with her family and prepare for this exciting moment in her life.

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