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Sandy Hook Victim Hoax- Ryan Lanza Says He's a Victim

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Sandy Hook victim hoax, Ryan Lanza's Facebook posts are apparently a hoax, if you believe the spokesman for the Lanza family.

Ryan Lanza, the brother of Adam, who gunned down 27 people and himself Dec. 14, posted messages on the social networking website mourning the victims in the Newtown, Conn. school shooting.

According to the NY Post, a Facebook page believed to belong to Adam Lanza had the following to say in the wake of the Connecticut school shootings:

"I am a victim," Ryan Lanza told the New York Post Saturday via Facebook. "I [lost] my mom and brother."

Now, however, a spokesman for the Lanza family is claiming that an imposter said those words to The Post, suggesting that either Ryan's Facebook account got hacked or someone was playing some sort of hoax on the newspaper.

It's unclear whether or not The Post initially got the story right, or was duped by a fake account at this time.

Despite the fact that the NY Post has amended their article with the news of the Lanza family denial, the original story remains. In it are claims that Ryan Lanza has since joined "victim groups" on Facebook, as well as activist groups that beckon the masses to support Ryan Lanza's name.

However, a spokesperson for the Lanza family clarified that the message was a Facebook hoaxand not the real 24-year-old Ryan Lanza, who lives in Hoboken, N.J.

"An imposter is behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page and that Ryan did not post the messages," that were included in the New York Post's original story. The Facebook account in question that turned out to be a hoax was at

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