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‘Teen Wolf’ Season 5’s Theo Is Not An Enemy? New Wolf Plays The ‘Nice Guy’

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With Theo's recent movements on "Teen Wolf" Season 5, the new character is still mysterious even after several episodes since the season began. Fans are still hooked on whether he is an enemy or not.

The last "Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode aired Monday showed Theo playing the nice guy, which made the series fans rethink theories about his bad side.

"Could it be? The enemy might not be the enemy after all," Tina Smithers of wrote. "Talk about right-place-right-time stuff on Theo's end, seeing as Stiles was too busy battling a disturbing childhood flashback to defend himself."

During last Monday's "Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode, Theo was the person who saved Stiles from almost being ruptured by a Dread Doctor's chimera.

"Now the really weird part comes right after the lone lycanthrope slashed Josh's neck - the crazed Dread Doctor minion all but begged Stiles not to say anything," pointed out. "He even said please. Why the nice guy act all of a sudden, Theo?"

In the past episodes of "Teen Wolf" Season 5, Theo tried to hook-up with Stiles' girlfriend Malia, which seemed to have ignited a firestorm affecting the friendship among the pack.

The fifth episode of "Teen Wolf" Season 5 saw Theo spending some alone time with Malia as he tried to lure her to giving up her safety precautions while driving the car.

Malia was seen haunted by her previous near-accidents but Theo insisted she does not have to follow the rules, as he said he once saved Lydia's life as shown in another episode

"Nobody does the speed limit," Theo insisted. "You also don't have to hold the wheel like that."

However, Theo is still on the bad side so far. As reported by Franchise Herald, "Teen Wolf" Season 5 Episode 6 titled "Required Reading" saw the "Mr. Nice Guy" plotting against Kira and Scott, flirting with Malia and blackmailing Stiles.

Franchise Herald is live streaming "Teen Wolf" Season 5 Episode 7 "Strange Frequencies" which will air on August 3. Visit this website next week to see where Theo is headed. Do you think he is not an enemy after all?

Are you wearing green, #PLLArmy? Cody Christian forgot his green... Guess we have to pinch him! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Posted by Pretty Little Liars on Monday, March 17, 2014

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