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‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ PC Gamers, A Big PC Patch Is Reportedly Coming To Fix Major Glitches

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Some bits of good news for "Batman: Arkham Knight" PC gamers, a recent report said Rocksteady will release a patch for the game's PC version this August and this is said to fix some issues encountered by the gamers.

While several "Batman: Arkham Knight" players have already finished the game, seen the exclusive video content such as Joker's revival and the shocking epilogue, PC gamers are still hopeful that the game will be fixed soon.

According to a report by PC Invasion, Rocksteady will release a patch this August which will address issues revealed last June.

Some of the issues that are expected to be fixed by the upcoming patch for "Batman: Arkham Knight" are supporting frame rates above 30 FPS in the graphic settings menu, fixing the low resolution bug, improving the performance of frame rates and adding more options to the graphic settings menu.

PC Invasion further noted that the patch will also improve hard drive streaming and hitches, address full screen rendering bugs, improve system memory and VRAM usage, fix NVIDIA bugs, enable AMD Crossfire and update drivers.

The report said this is called an "interim patch" and it is currently being arranged for "Batman: Arkham Knight" on PC. No exact date has been released yet.

Additional details about the patch will reportedly be provided in the next weeks.

Franchise Herald earlier reported the major glitches encountered by PC gamers with "Batman: Arkham Knight."

The glitches include very slow frame rates at single digits, crashing, memory leaks the cause the game to eat up to 12 GB memory. These errors reportedly prompted Steam to stop selling the game.

Warner Bros then issued an apology in an official forum, "Dear 'Batman: Arkham Knight' PC owners, we want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with [the game]. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards."

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