Wendy Williams, the T.V. host and entertainer, has stripped for a new "I'd rather go naked than wear fur," in the latest PETA ad targeting holiday shoppers.
"As a talk show host where everything has to be so covered up, I welcomed the reason to go naked," she said in her PETA interview.
Following in the footsteps of Eva Mendes and Khloe Kardashian, Williams posed nude to protest the manufacturing and sale of fur clothing.
"We should all try to be comfortable in our own skin and let the animals keep theirs," she said in a statement when the ad campaign was unveiled in New York's Times Square yesterday. Williams will also be asking her viewers to donate fur coats to PETA, which will in turn give those coats to the homeless.
In the ad, Williams, 48, is in a sexy pose in the nude as she covers her assets with her long flowing hair.