28-year-old Çilem Doğan was detained by Turkish authorities after murdering her husband who repeatedly beat her and tried to force her into prostitution, according to the U.K. publication The Telegraph.
The Turkish woman, who admitted to killing her husband, 33-year-old Hasan Karabulut, with a pistol, has been receiving ongoing support on social media after her story was made public.
“Çilem Doğan is our pride,” read a translated Twitter post by social media user berra.
Fuhuşa direnen yürekli kadın Çilem Doğan'a sevgiler: Öz savunma haktır! - https://t.co/idkkcS3bMM #kadın #cilemdogan pic.twitter.com/hhSPxld2xY
— Gaia Dergi (@gaiadergi) July 12, 2015
The mother-of-one was seen wearing a shirt that read, “Dear past, thanks for all the lessons. Dear future, I am ready,” as she flashed a thumbs-up sign to the cameras as she was led into jail, according to Buzzfeed News.
Investigators reportedly stated that Doğan explained that Karabulut had abused her throughout their marriage, prompting her to file police reports against him. He had reportedly told her one morning to pack her bags so he can take her to the city of Antalya and pimp her out as a prostitute to make money, according to Soczu.
“When I opposed, he beat me. He pushed me on the bed and the pistol under the pillow came into mind. I grabbed it and shot him repeatedly. Then I took my daughter and left the home,” Doğan told police, according to the Hurriyet Daily News.
Doğan reportedly called the police to give herself up.
“I killed my husband because he constantly beat me and feared he would lead me to prostitution, drug crime and that he could kill me,” stated Doğan.
Doğan and Karabulut reportedly have a one-and-a-half year old daughter but were already estranged during the time of the killing. The domestic violence reportedly began 28 days after her wedding.
Karabulut reportedly beat Doğan during her pregnancy and ordered her to become a prostitute when she was seven months pregnant.
“Will women always die? Let some men die too. I killed him for my honor,” Doğan reportedly stated.