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‘Teen Wolf’ Season 5 Spoilers: Could Theo Be The Fugitive? One Writer Thinks The New Wolf May Have ‘Virtuous Plans’ After All

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"Teen Wolf" Season 5 got even darker and more exciting as the third episode aired last night, and more spoilers about the upcoming episode are now going around.

The third episode of "Teen Wolf" Season 5 showed more of Tracy's viciousness as she killed people under hallucination. As Malia found out what was causing Tracy's behavior, Liam went on in search of clues with the help of Mason.

A teaser for next week's "Teen Wolf" Season 5 episode titled "Condition Terminal," along with some spoilers, has been released which provided details about the coming events. MTV reportedly revealed a synopsis for the fourth episode which says, "Stiles tracks a fugitive and Liam plays wingman for Mason at a nightclub."

The synopsis for "Teen Wolf" Season 5's fourth episode showed that Stiles will be making a move to track down a "fugitive" which some websites' spoilers speculated about.

According to "Teen Wolf" Season 5 spoilers and speculations by website Fashion & Style, Theo might be the fugitive because of the impression he gave when he first appeared in the series.

"Could Theo be this fugitive? Who knows, he might turn out to be an imposter, just as Stiles originally suspected," the website said. "Of course, if that's the case, we have to wonder what exactly happened to the real Theo."

The website also cited previous reports that while Corey was being treated for a "strange, painful wound," Theo might have made some contribution to this pain. He might also be just a victim to the doctors who are turning people to be aggressive like monsters, or he might be one of these "monsters" as well.

Theo's dark secrets

These "Teen Wolf" Season 5 spoilers came with speculations about Theo's real motive, whether he is someone to be trusted or someone who is just pure evil.

The previous episodes of the series showed Theo as a werewolf and that he knew the best buddies Stiles and Scott back in fourth grade.

Buddy TV believes Theo is more of the good guy than the bad guy, though his possibly evil plans still deserve discussion on the table as "Teen Wolf" Season 5 reveals more updates and spoilers.

"It just seems like Theo's plan being revealed this early would create the exact opposite effect that 'Teen Wolf' is going for with the character," the website explained. "If we know Theo is evil and is about to go all Single White Werewolf with Scott's pack, all the tension is sucked out of the story."

The website further said that setting aside the frustrations with knowing if he is indeed a traitor early on is "just not good storytelling."

"If Theo's big secret is that he's evil, you shouldn't waste that big moment so early in the story," Buddy TV pointed out. "It's the very definition of anticlimactic unless 'Teen Wolf' even [has] bigger reveals planned for Theo."

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