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Middleton and Kardashian Having Tea Together? No Way, Kate Says

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Kim Kardashian has expressed how much she likes Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge reportedly not such a fan of the Kardashian family.

While in London to promote her new clothing line she shares with her sisters, Kim Kardashian sent some free clothes to Middleton. But according to the National Enquirer, some inside sources say Kate turned away the free clothes, which irritated Kim.

However, Kate Middleton refused the free clothes because the royal family doesn't endorse any particular brand or designer. However, some think she wouldn't be caught dead in an outfit Kim designed anyway.

"Kate can't stand their style, and from what she knows about their TV show, it's just a bunch of trashy people primping and yelling at each other. She's far too polite to diss Kim to her face, but she's got enough on her plate without having tea with someone like her."

The insider went on to say that "the royal family is very careful about not being seen to endorse any product. It's just not proper. Quite apart from that, the Kardashian outfits just aren't appropriate for a duchess."

"Kate is hardly going to turn up for an event with the queen in a cheap leopard-print miniskirt or gold sequined jacket!"

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