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Joker Might Not Be Dead After All, ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Alternate Sequence Reveals A Shocking Twist [WATCH]

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The creators of "Batman: Arkham Knight" are all out for a surprise when a video of the game's alternative opening sequence showed the Dark Knight's archenemy the Joker getting back alive with flames burning around him.

The video raised the question, is the Joker really dead? Rocksteady Studios killed off the Joker in the previous game "Batman: Arkham City."

But in the alternative opening cutscene which can reportedly be viewed by gamers who go into a "new game" according to a report by Kotaku, the Joker is seen waking up from the dead and speaking up saying, "This is how it happened. This is how the Joker died" - while laughing.

Whether this is just another adherence to the classic story where Joker always wants to outshine Batman, the "Batman: Arkham Knight" alternate cutscene opens doors for gamers to see the story differently.

The "Batman: Arkham Knight" introductory video usually starts with the gamer who is able to burn the Joker's body by pressing any button. Starting a new game gives a new intro video that has several seconds where the supervillain is seen "dead" on the background of a vintage song, and comes alive and screams by the end of the sequence.

"Batman: Arkham Knight" saw Joker's blood transfusion becoming a way for him to get access to Batman's secrets and use this to murder all his enemies, kill Batman's allies and lead a violent campaign in Gotham and the world.

The Joker was also seen taking control over Batman causing his sanity to break as hear the supervillain recall all his crimes committed throughout his life. Some of these heinous crimes included the paralysis of Barbara Gordon and the torture of Jason Todd, the second Robin.

"As Gotham returns to peace, Joker's legacy would slowly be forgotten with the villain not only dead, but locked away in his own personal hell, along and forgotten for the rest of time," an information website said in its interpretation of the story of "Batman: Arkham Knight."

"With his legacy forgotten and Batman putting the past behind him, the Joker has finally lost and is gone forever in body and spirit."

With the alternate video, will these all change?

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