Justin Bieber Ferrari was reportedly pulled over by cops Tuesday night for making an unsafe left turn. According to TMZ, in the event, the law enforcement agents also found that Bieber’s registration was expired.
Justin was cruising through West Hollywood around 6:30PM in a sick white Ferrari when an LA County Sheriff's deputy hit the strobes and sirens.
TMZ got a couple shots of the Biebs as he was pulled over. Witnesses say the Canadian singer was cooperative while deputies took a closer look at his documentation ... and, of course, the sick ride.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Bieber did get ticketed, but it's unclear what law he allegedly broke.
Bieber's coming off a hell of a weekend -- hanging with Victoria's Secret supermodels, and breaking up with Selena Gomez. Justin was NOT solo in the Ferrari ... we're told he had a guy friend riding shotgun.
Bieber blasted this pic over Instagram -- proving the side view mirror of a Ferrari can even make cop car lights look cool.