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Unlock All ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Costumes Including DLC And Pre-Order Costumes, The Details Are Here!

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After an eight-month delay, the highly anticipated "Batman: Akham Knight" is finally released but PC gamers have complained about frame-rate issues that make them unable to enjoy the game to its entirety.

For those experiencing some glitches, perhaps investing some time unlocking all the "Batman: Arkham Knight" costumes - including downloadable and pre-order costumes - first while waiting for the issues to be resolved may be among the best ways to take.

Website Gear Nuke provides a guide on how to unlock each of the costumes in an organized way. But the website specifies on some requirements before getting hold of these costumes.

DLC Costumes

Some of the DLC costumes may be unlocked for those who made Amazon purchases or those who bought the Premium Edition. For instance, the Adam West AKA Classic TV Series Batman and Justice League 3000 Batman Costumes is an exclusive pre-order bonus, and the website said the only way to get it is through PS4. For users who want to see it alive on other platforms, they will have to wait until Fall 2015 when the timed exclusivity ends.

The Batman First Appearance Costume, is also a pre-order bonus only available for gamers who ordered the item from, or have the "Batman Arkham Knight: The Serious Edition," Geek Nuke added

Meanwhile, the Flashpoint Batman Costume is reportedly accessible to gamers who bought the Premium Edition or Season Pass for "Batman: Arkham Knight."

In-Game Costumes

The in-game costumers, on the other hand, are the ones reportedly more accessible without the requirements of a Premium purchase for instance.

The website said getting the Anime Batman Costume needs users to have a WBPlay account, which appears once a full new game is started. Both the Batsuit V7.43 Batman Costume and the Batsuit V8.03 Batman Costume are appearing as the game progresses.

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