Candy Crowley, the moderator of the second presidential debate, had a slip of the tongue on Sunday when interviewing Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) on her show, State of the Union.
So far, the election race is largely being described as 'neck and neck,' though some surveys suggest that in actual fact, President Obama is inching ahead of his rival.
During the interview, she referred to Mitt Romney as President Romney.
"You have in Ohio a jobless rate that is better than the nationwide jobless rate, and you have an auto bailout that the President put in place that's highly popular. What is it in this state that makes you think that President Romney, uh, sorry, Governor Romney can overcome those particular statistics and the feel of the voters?"
Candy Crowley quickly corrected her slip, but her guest seized the moment.
"I like your Freudian slip on President Romney," Portman told Crowley. "That sounded good."