Fake storm photos from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy have been making the rounds online and some photos look real, leading unsuspecting people to believe so and continue sharing them online.
Fake storm photos of the Statue of Liberty (Facebook)
A photo of the Statue of LIberty with an omnious looking cloud looming over it was believed to be taken during the Hurricane Sandy, went viral online on Facebook, but now its been reported that its fake.
The photo was first shared by Facebook user Jason Otts in Murphy, TX and has been shared over 156,000 times.
Several reports surfaced that the father was indeed fake and shouldn't be taken seriously. Otts took to his Facebook page to clarify the mystery.
"Ok... apparently this pic has gone viral from my wall with 99,989 shares. In the last 15 minutes I have had like 200 people add me as a friend because of this pic. So I called the person who texted it to me and she then called her friend who is in New York and he told her that it was fake. So now I have 200 friends who like a photo that is fake on my wall. Funny, but awkward....," he wrote.
Fake storm photos of the Statue of Liberty (Instagram)
Fake storm photos of the Statue of Liberty (Instagram)
The above photos were taken from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" and photoshopped with the news bar saying that it is actually "live" coverage of Hurricane Sandy.
Others were just, well, clearly fake. This one in particular featured all sorts of possible attacks on the Statue of Liberty from UFO's, Ghostbuster giants, sharks to monsters.
,Fake storm photos (Instagram)
Do you find these photoshopped images shared on social media sites of Hurricane Sandy to be tasteful and just a way of dealing with a difficult situation, or just plain insensitive?