It’s been happening for decades, but has only recently been given a name: “manspreading.”
The act of spreading your legs far apart so one is taking up more than one public transport seat is now a criminal offense as at least two men have been arrested and charged for manspreading on New York City subways, according to the U.K. publication The Telegraph.
The men were arrested “presumably because they were taking up more than one seat and therefore inconveniencing other riders.” Manspreading has clearly become a huge concern, as a judge reportedly issued an order that only guarantees that the men won’t suffer further repercussions if they avoid getting arrested again for the same offense.
There’s a subway sign that clearly states, “Dude. . . Stop the Spread, Please. It’s a space issue.”
The sign is no longer just a silly warning.
Even actor Tom Hanks was recently called out for manspreading on a New York City subway, which he has since addressed.
“I was accused of manspreading because it looks as though I’m taking up two seats. And hey, internet, you idiot, the train was half empty. There was plenty of room,” Hanks stated during an interview on The Late Late Show.
“I was not manspreading. I was just enjoying a pleasant ride.”
Since news of the manspreading arrests began circulating, social media users have called out “shebagging,” a woman who takes up more than one seat with their handbag or shopping bag, according to the news outlet TVNZ.
Both manspreading and shebagging need to come to an end. Three people to a seat, everybody.
Is #shebagging some kind of response to #manspreading ? Do two wrongs make a right?
— Martin Daubney (@MartinDaubney) June 1, 2015
#manspreading is a terrible disorder men experience from having ENORMOUS BALLS they must air on trains @MinaVagans — rebecca (@anaisnin) May 29, 2015