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‘X-Factor’ Judge Simon Cowell’s Son Become A Brat? Producer Wants To Teach Eric ‘Manners’ And ‘The Value Of Money’

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Being the only child of one the world's most powerful music producers, people would expect Simon Cowell's son to grow up an entitled brat.

However, the "X-Factor" judge is determined not to let that happen to Eric.

"I'm aware Eric could become a brat," he reportedly told the Daily Star Sunday (via The Mirror). "I'm going to make sure we teach him manners and to not talk down to people. I'm terrible at discipline but that's all basic stuff."

He and his girlfriend, Lauren Silverman, also want to teach him "to always be kind to animals."

Based on the adorable photos of himself with Eric, it does look like he's too enamored by his son to be able to strict with him despite having a reputation of a "nasty" judge on "X-Factor" and "Britain's Got Talent".

He recently posted a photo of the two of them with matching outfits, but it seems the little cutie didn't get the memo.

"No Eric. I said White shirt not t shirt," the 55-year-old captioned the adorable shot. Is he also giving him early fashion training as well?

Little Eric will inherit his father's company one day and Simon Cowell's son will start his training early.

"I'll teach him the value of money. That's what my mum and dad did with me," he continued. "When they paid for holidays we had to earn our own spending money. When I was about eight I used to clean cars and mow lawns. And I used to love it."

He also thinks that it's "important that you earn your own money."

"I had that instilled in me and Eric will have the same," he added.

It's a good thing then that both Cowell and Silverman are planning for more siblings for their 15-month-old bundle of joy - whether by blood or by adoption.

"Myself and Lauren want to have more children of our own but we could adopt as well. I wouldn't rule out it happening. It's a good idea," he further shared. "I'm beginning to warm to the idea of adopting.

What do you think of Simon Cowell's son being trained early to handle money?

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