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‘Sherlock’ Season 4 Cast Will Have To Deal With 'Consequences'! Will Conflicts Arise Between Dr. Watson And Sherlock Holmes?

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Fans still have to wait for "Sherlock" season 4 to air but showrunners Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are already warning viewers of a darker series of episodes when the show airs.

Last year, Moffat reportedly reduced the whole cast to tears with the new script and that he has some "devastating" plans for the Emmy Award-winning show.

"It's dark in some ways-obviously it's great fun and a Sherlock Holmes romp and all that-but there's a sense of... things... coming back to bite you," Moffat told Entertainment Weekly in an recent interview. "It's not a safe, sensible way to live. It's hilarious and exhilarating some days, but some days it's going to be bloody frightening."

Will this "dark" and "devastating" plan include some conflict between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. In the season three finale, Holmes was supposed to leave England after shooting and killing Charles Augustus Magnussen to save both Watson and his new wife Mary. Moriarty's sudden reappearance, however, stopped him from leaving.

With Mary's checkered past, all three will have to face the consequences of what they did next season. Movie Pilot speculated that Mary's connection to the secret organization A.G.R.A. might just result into a conflict between the two best friends.

Past rumors also mentioned Mary's possible death, should Gatiss and Moffat still follow the original arch of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's book series.

"While we play fast and loose with the original stories, we generally follow the trajectory of what Conan Doyle did. So [Watson] gets married and then Mary dies - so at some point presumably she'll die," Freeman previously teased about his onscreen wife's fate.

With no specific release dates announced for "Sherlock" season 4, Digital Spy and Movie Pilot speculated that avid fans would have to wait until January 2017 to find out how "dark" and "devastating" the next season would be exactly.

In the meantime, a Christmas special episode for "Sherlock", set in 1895, will have to tide fans over as they wait for "Sherlock" season 4". It will reprotedly air later this year.

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