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Nicole Kidman Would Not Say N-Word in 'The Paperboy' But Did Steamy Sex Scenes

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Nicole Kidman latest movie with Zac Efron, "The Paperboy," is getting a lot of attention lately for its 'in your face type" scenes, but there's one thing Kidman would absolutely not do.

Speaking at a press conference at the New York Film Festival, director Lee Daniels revealed that Kidman would not call a black cast member the N-word, according to the Los Angeles Times. The report goes on to describe Kidman as "looking slightly annoyed" as he said this and explained that she felt as though the slur didn't "feel right for the character."

"I have a son who's African-American and I just didn't feel it was right," the actress added. "It wasn't right."

Kidman, who plays prisoner John Cusack's lover in the upcoming erotic thriller, pushed her boundaries to the limit by filming three controversial scenes in the first three days of production.

"Her character was supposed to say the N-word, and she wouldn't say it. I was angry. My producer tells me, 'Are you serious? She bends over a washing machine [for a sex scene] the first day, she has telepathic sex with Cusack in prison on the second day, she urinates on Zac Efron on the third day, and you're angry because she won't say the N-word? "Give the girl a break.' I said, 'Alright," Daniels told the New York Post.

Daniels directed Precious in 2009 which garnered six Academy Award nominations.

Watch "The Paperboy" trailer below:

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