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List Of PS Plus Members’ Free Games May 2015 Leaked; Suggests More AAA Games Next Month

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Recent post from a PS German blog has accidentally leaked the official lineup of PS Plus Members' free games for May 2015, but the list is questionable as some claimed, Gearnuke reported.

The lineup has revealed all titles for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita for PS+ and according to the blog Sony brings a total of six free titles next month.

The list includes:


"Rayman Legends (PS4/PS3)"



"Need For Speed Rivals"

"Shovel Knight (PS4/PS3/PSVita)"

PS Vita:

"Fruit Ninja"

"Asphalt Injection"

As per Gamepur, the list for PS Plus members' free games for the month of May looks legit, "apart from addition of Shovel Knight."

''Rayman Legends has already appeared (earlier this year) as free games on Games With Gold, and Need for Speed also sounds believable due its an old title and already out on Xbox One as free via EA Access,'' the report continued.

TechNewsToday added that "Shovel Knight" was a recently launched title, so there's no way Sony will give it away for free, though it might "satisfy a lot of consumers but it will come at the cost of angering a lot of early buyers."

Meanwhile, before the free games for the month of May could be announced next week, gamers may still download the six free titles for April 2015.

As for PS4 console owners, the free titles include, "Tower of Guns," which was developed by Terrible Posture Game and was originally released across multiple platforms in March of last year, "Never Alone" an ''atmospheric puzzle platformer that explores the harsh and dynamic world of Alaska Native stories'' and the ''stylish hand-drawn, fast-paced 2D action platformer'' "Aaru's Awakening" a cross buy for PS3.

In addition to the list, "Dishonored" is available for PS3 and "Killzone Mercenary" and "MonsterBag" for PS Vita.

See the screen captured list from PS Germay Blog here.

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