Elisabeth Shue, the star of Leaving Las Vegas, Adventures in Babysitting, and the original Karate Kid movie, is back to the big screen in the Jennifer Lawrence-fronted horror flick The House at the End of the Street.
The film, which finds Shue portraying the Hunger Games star’s mother, is posed to amass some business at the box office thanks to the sudden popularity of its female lead.
Talking to Hollywood.com, Elisabeth Shue expressed her feelings about Lawrence.
“Jennifer is such a mature young woman. She’s got the aura of someone much older than her years,” Shue said. “She has such a good head on her shoulders. She’s so much more evolved than I was at that age.”
In a recent interview with AM New York, Elisabeth Shue talked about her time in Hollywood, and how the challenges she faced ultimately forced her to grow as an individual and an actress. Lawrence, she believes, is ready and willing to handle the stresses that are inherent to the business.
“I feel like it took me years to gain a certain confidence, a foothold in this business, and really understand it,” she explained. “I feel like she is so knowledgeable and confident and sure of herself that I think her road will be easier.”
“What keeps this industry challenging as an actor is that you never know how something will turn out. The ups and downs are constant,” she added. “You’re never just smoothly sailing along. You’re always going to be on loose fitting. That’s what ultimately now I expect and accept and that doesn’t scare me as much.”