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'The Americans' Season 3 Episode Guide: After Paige, Henry's Next? What's In Store For Unico Hijo Of The Two Lethal KGB Agents?

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The gist of the last "The Americans" season 3 episode is basically about Paige (Holly Taylor) learning about the secrets of her parents Philip and Elizabeth (Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell).

The daughter of the two KGB agents disguised as happy American couple has always been the strong type who knows what she wants for herself. She is curious and has a thirst for information.

However, one thing she had no idea is the real identity of her parents. That changed last week in the episode titled "Stingers" when she forced her parents to confess.

Surely, Paige's knowledge of their origin will leave Philip and Elizabeth worried at all times. Her daughter now has a secret to keep and is a potential recruit for Russia.

They will have to juggle this thought while keeping an eye on their patriotic responsibilities. The problems might pile up for the Jennings family as the season progresses.

According to recent "The Americans" season 3 episode guide from the show's EPs, Henry (Keidrich Sellati) the lead couple's young son, is also set to have his moment.

"You may be able to guess from this conversation with us, that we don't know," Joe Weisberg said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly when asked when will the conversation turn to Henry. Interviewer Marc Snetiker also mentioned video games that can make the boy a good KGB computer operative.

"But we ask ourselves that same question, and we've actually sort of toyed with that same thing you're mentioning about the computers. That seems like an interesting and, generationally, an aptitude-wise appropriate thing to think about."

Joe Fields echoed Weisberg's answer but he insisted Henry's moment might not happen in the remaining "The Americans" season 3 episodes.

"It'd be nice for Philip and Elizabeth and now even Paige to imagine that Henry can be protected from all of this forever, and yet of course, we see how that went with Paige. There's an inevitable something coming."

The FX spy drama will return this week for the episode "One Day in the Life of Anton Baklanov."

Read full "The Americans" season 3 episode guide below.

"Philip and Elizabeth's home and work lives collide in new and dangerous ways. Nina struggles to figure out her next steps. Arkady assigns Oleg and Tatiana to an operation with uncertain potential."

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