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Clint Eastwood Speaks Out About Gay Marriage On Ellen [VIDEO]

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Clint Eastwood on gay marriage episode of Ellen DeGeneres' talk-show showed "Dirty Harry" again in the "raw." The actor-director shared his views on same-sex-marriage and his role with the Libertarian Party. Following his speech at the Republican National Convention, viewers got an even closer glimpse at the Hollywood legend.

Wednesday, Huffington Post said Eastwood, who has made his views clear about same-sex-marriage clear in the past, talked about his stance on the controversial issue with Ellen.

DeGeneres talked to the "Dirty Harry" star about his daughter, the backlash from the Republican National Convention in Tampa (empty-chair Obama speech) and his stance on couples in the LGBT community getting married legally. On the backlash from his quirky speech, he simply says he "doesn't care."

Eastwood said:

"It's a part of the libertarian idea: Leave everybody alone!"

The actor-director went on to say that the United States is facing some serious problems right now and that politicians are wasting too much time discussing gay marriage.

Eastwood said:

"The condition of society right now with the high unemployment rates, and the tremendous debt increasing, and the government spending, you'd think there'd be a lot to think about, except worrying about what gay marriage is about."

Eastwood's comments on Ellen reiterate the actor's belief about gay marriage. In 2011, the actor told GQ that he doesn't "give a f**k" if a gay couple wants to get married.

Eastwood said:

"These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don't give a f*** about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of. They go on and on with all this bulls*** about "sanctity" - don't give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."

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