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'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Reboot In Major Trouble? Saban Having Trouble Finding New Cast Despite Original Green Ranger's Plea To Appear In The Movie

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The reboot to the 90s classic teenage superhero series, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" movie is reportedly scheduled to be released next year.

However, up until now Saban and Lionsgate have yet to announce any official cast for the movie, making the public worry and assume that the project is having a porblem.

And despite the attention the upcoming movie has gained from the viral "dark and gritty bootleg" posted in YouTube by creators Joseph Kahn and Adi Shankar, still no official announcement about the reboot has been made.

Does the trouble in finding new cast has something to do with the rumored "curse" surrounding the "Power Rangers" franchise?

Apparently a series of unfortunate events have surrounded the cast and crew of the franchise making actors steer away from getting involved in the upcoming reboot.

However, David Yost, the original Blue Rangers vehemently denied the rumored "curse" and has expressed his excitement about the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" movie reboot.

"They obviously have a proven track record, he told Yahoo News. "And I will be very excited to see what they do with the franchise."

"I've never heard there's a curse," Yost answered when asked about the infamous "curse" rumors.

Adding, "But obviously anyone who's stepping into the role of a Power Ranger - I just hope that they realize how exciting that is and the impact they will have on many people's lives throughout the world and do their best to portray a good superhero."

Even Jason David Frank, who originally played the role of Green Ranger, did not mention anything about the "curse" and even expressed his desire to once again appear in the "Power Ranger" movie.

"I wanna be in the real 'Power Ranger' movie," Frank admitted in his Facebook post when he responded to the fan-made short film made by Joseph Kahn and Adi Shankar. "You know what I mean? So Lionsgate let's get this stuff going on be in the real movie. I've saved my character for so long. And when I bring my character out in like in the movies or something linke that I want it to be legit. I want it to be a Saban blessing approved project."

Taylor Lautner, Chloe Grace Moretz and Liam Hemsworth were all linked to the reboot but none of them have either confirmed or denied involvement in the project.

Watch the bootleg to "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" movie reboot below:

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" movie reboot under Saban and Lionsgate is set to hit theaters on July 22, 2016.

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